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Hymn GTG #393, “O Day of Rest and Gladness”
Hymn GTG #61, “Your Law, O Lord, Is Perfect”
Leader: The Human One is the Lord of the Sabbath.
People: We gather in the name of the Son of Man.
Leader: The Sabbath day is upon us.
People: We remember and keep it holy.
Leader: On this day of rest and gladness, we will hear the word of God and open our hearts to its Good News.
People: Let us worship the Lord!
Call to Confession (based on Luke 6:8)
Leader: Jesus knows the contents of our hearts and minds without a single word. Yet true reconciliation requires us to acknowledge our own wrongdoing. Therefore, let us confess our sins honestly and without fear.
Prayer of Confession (based on Luke 6:11)
You are invited to speak a word or short phrase that describes a personal or
collective sin of which you repent and seek forgiveness.
When the gathered community is finished sharing, we pray together:
People: Merciful One, although we profess to be disciples, we all too often behave more like opponents. We hear your gospel, and we become furious. Surely, you don’t expect US to follow your radical example. Surely, you don’t mean for US to risk our reputations and resources to help others. Surely, you don’t intend for US to take your teachings literally. We close our ears to the clear instructions you’ve given us, and we reject your vision for the kindom of heaven. Forgive us, we pray. Help us to love our fellow human beings first and last and always, just as you have loved us. In your mercy, hear our prayers… (Silent prayers of personal confession)
Declaration of Forgiveness (based on Luke 6:3-4, 9-10)
Leader: No rule is more important to God than your wellbeing; no law can restrain God’s mercy. Hear the good news: in Jesus Christ, we are all forgiven!
People: Thanks be to God!
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