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Hymn GTG #403, “Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty”
Hymn GTG #756, “O God of Every Nation”
Hymn GTG #753, “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace”
Leader: God calls to us: “Get up and preach my message to the world!”
People: We willingly answer God’s call on our lives.
Leader: We gather to hear God’s word, praise God’s name, and proclaim God’s gospel.
People: We faithfully answer God’s call on our lives.
Leader: What a blessing it is to worship the Lord together!
People: Let us gladly answer God’s call on our lives!
People: We willingly answer God’s call on our lives.
Leader: We gather to hear God’s word, praise God’s name, and proclaim God’s gospel.
People: We faithfully answer God’s call on our lives.
Leader: What a blessing it is to worship the Lord together!
People: Let us gladly answer God’s call on our lives!
Call to Confession (based on Jonah 3:8-9)
Leader: Let us call urgently upon God, giving up our evil ways. Who knows? God may yet relent and respond with compassion. Together, let us confess our sin.
Prayer of Confession (based on Jonah 4:3)
Prayer of Confession (based on Jonah 4:3)
You are invited to speak a word or short phrase that describes a personal or collective sin of which you repent and seek forgiveness.
When the gathered community is finished sharing, we pray together:
People: Holy Lord, we confess that we would rather sulk than see our enemies flourish. We would rather die than abide by something we believe is utterly wrong. But you, God, still call us to love your people – ALL your people. You call us to trust you and to preach your gospel at all time. Forgive us when we falter and when we reject this sacred responsibility. Give us the strength and courage to do all that it takes to bring your light to all people at all times. In your mercy, hear our prayers…
(Silent prayers of personal confession)
Declaration of Forgiveness (based on Jonah 4:2)
Leader: We know that the Lord is a merciful and compassionate God, very patient, full of faithful love, and relenting from punishment. Therefore, be assured that in Christ’s name, we are all truly forgiven!
People: Thanks be to God!
People: Thanks be to God!
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