Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Sermon: “Mary’s Gift”, Christmas Eve Message (December 24, 2024)
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Sermon: “Bathsheba’s Gift”, 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14-18, 26-27; 12:15b-18a, 24-25 (December 22, 2024)
Friday, December 20, 2024
Liturgy: Advent IV, Selections from 2 Samuel 11 & 12 (December 22, 2024)
This liturgy is based on our Advent Theme this year, "The Gifts of Women", based on the women in Matthew's account of Jesus' genealogy.
*You are welcome to use or adapt any of my resources for free, but I ask that you provide proper citation AND comment on this post to let me know.*
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Sermon: "Rahab's Gift", Joshua 2:1-16 (December 15, 2024)
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Liturgy: Advent III, Ruth 1:1-17 (December 15, 2024)
This liturgy is based on our Advent Theme this year, "The Gifts of Women", based on the women in Matthew's account of Jesus' genealogy. (Due to a family emergency, we wound up switching weeks 2 and 3.)
*You are welcome to use or adapt any of my resources for free, but I ask that you provide proper citation AND comment on this post to let me know.*
Monday, December 2, 2024
Liturgy: Advent II, Joshua 2:1-16 (December 8, 2024)
This liturgy is based on our Advent Theme this year, "The Gifts of Women", based on the women in Matthew's account of Jesus' genealogy.
*You are welcome to use or adapt any of my resources for free, but I ask that you provide proper citation AND comment on this post to let me know.*
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Sermon: “Tamar’s Gift”, Genesis 38:6-7, 11-20, 24-26 (December 1, 2024 - Advent 1)
It’s Advent-tide once more, my friends, and once again we’ll be spending the next four weeks preparing our hearts to receive the coming Messiah. But while many churches use this time to recall the events immediately preceding Jesus’ birth, it’s important for us to remember that Jesus’ story doesn’t begin in the gospels. In fact, the impact of the incarnation is severely diminished without understanding everything that came before it. So while we’ll definitely still spend Christmas Eve with the beloved stories of the angels, the shepherds, the manger, and the magi, these next four weeks will be devoted to things that came long before all that.