Monday, December 2, 2024

Liturgy: Advent II, Joshua 2:1-16 (December 8, 2024)

 This liturgy is based on our Advent Theme this year, "The Gifts of Women", based on the women in Matthew's account of Jesus' genealogy.

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Hymn GTG #82, “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” 
Hymn GTG #324, “For All the Faithful Women" [v. 1 + New Verse:]
For Rahab’s keen perception, we give you thanks, O Lord;
She sensed your righteous purpose, the plans you had in store.
In rescuing the soldiers who came to her for aid,
Lord Jesus Christ was born from this debt that was repaid.
Hymn GTG #86, “The People Who Walked in Darkness” 

Call to Worship & Lighting Advent Wreath

Leader: We are here to prepare for the Lord’s coming
People: We gather to share stories of a faith passed down from generation to generation.
Leader: We give thanks for our biblical forefathers, the names we learn in Sunday school, the figures who loom large in our understanding of God.
People: But Matthew’s gospel reminds us not to forget the stories of the faithful women who lead us to Christ.
Leader: [Lighting purple candle] Today, we learn from our mother Rahab, whose radical hospitality serves as an example for us today.
People: As we remember the ancestors whose gifts point us to the manger, we cry aloud with one voice: Come, Lord Jesus.

Call to Confession (based on Joshua 2:14)
Leader: The Lord deals loyally and faithfully with all who seek God’s grace. With confidence in this promise, let us confess our sins and trust in God’s mercy.

Prayer of Confession (based on Joshua 2:9-11)

You are invited to speak a word or short phrase that describes a personal or 
collective sin of which you repent and seek forgiveness. 
When the gathered community is finished sharing, we pray together:

People: Almighty God, we confess that we are afraid. We know that you are righteous and just, and that you demand the same from your people. Yet terror overwhelms us; our hearts turn to water, and in our fear, we fail to act faithfully. Renew our courage and strengthen our resolve, so that we might be willing to risk everything that we have and are in pursuit of your kindom. In your mercy, hear our prayers… (Silent prayers of personal confession)

Declaration of Forgiveness (based on Joshua 2:11)

Leader: The Lord our God is God in heaven above and on earth below! Hear and believe the Good News that only such a God can offer: In Christ’s name, we are forgiven!
People: Thanks be to God!

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