Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Liturgy: Second Sunday after Pentecost - Isaiah 9:1-7 (June 11, 2023)

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*Call to Worship (based on Isaiah 9:2)

Leader: The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.
People: On those living in a pitch-dark land, light has dawned.
Leader: We see the future envisioned by God.
People: Let it begin here. Let it begin now. Let it begin with us.
Leader: The Lord be with you!
People: And also with you!
Leader: Let us worship the Lord!

Call to Confession (based on Isaiah 9:7)

Leader: Isaiah promises that God will establish and sustain an endless peace for humanity, with justice and righteousness, now and forever. Yet if we are to be a part of it, we must be willing to give up that which separates us from God and from one another. Let us therefore confess and repent of our sin.

Unison Prayer of Confession (based on Isaiah 9:5-7)

People: Holy Lord, we cling to your promise of peace, but we still persist in making war. You take the boots of soldiers and the garments worn in battle, and you burn them up in the fire of your light. But we place them on pedestals as objects of veneration. You offer your own son to lead us, calling him “Wonderful Counselor” and “Prince of Peace”. Yet we seek the counsel of warmongers and follow those who rule by the sword. Your zeal is for justice and righteousness. Ours is for wrath and vengeance. Forgive us, Mighty One. Give us the strength to let go of our combativeness and the courage to pursue the peace of your kindom. In your mercy, hear our prayer.… 
(Silent prayers of personal forgiveness)

Declaration of Forgiveness (based on Isaiah 9:4)

Leader: The Lord has shattered the yoke that burdened us, the staff on our shoulders, and the rod of that which oppresses us. Hear the good news: in Jesus Christ, all our sins are forgiven!
People: Thanks be to God!

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